Let the music fill the air,...
let the joy spread everywhere,..
happy holiday people,...^_^
Apa kes aku syok lbey ni,..hahah,..tp mmg syok pun,..sbb lbey blk kg,...yippie,..lama sdh x blk kg,...dok kt seromban dh nk dkt sebulan,...ct ni blk kedah,..tanah airku terchenta,....yyeaayyy...^_^
happy holiday to all my student also,...ckgu bnyk koje gk ni,...kn stdy blambak,...aku rs time aku student dlu x dk la kn study sngt,...ni time jd ckgu,...lg bnyk kot kn stdy,...nk wt note lg,..latihan kt studnt,...x bley,...x sdp hati tgk diorg pnya greed time exm pertghn taun aritu,...geram,...
This is my conversation on friday,..between my student and me...before start school break..
ckgu sirah: x pe2,...ckgu bg latihan intensif kt korang smua ye,...
my student: x pe2,...ckgu x pyh la ssh2 ckgu,...hehehe
ckgu sirah:ishh,....baiknya kamu smua,..x nak susahkan ckgu ye...mn ada ssh,..x ssh pun,...naik ct nnt,...stp hbs kls ada latihan ye,...
my student: ssssusah tu ckgu,...nk g latihan bnyk2,...nnt ckgu nk kena pg fotostat,..bwk ke sekolah berat2,..pastu nk mark lg,..hbs pen merah ckgu....hehe(snyum kambing)
ckgu sirah: bertuahnya ckgu dpt student yg concern mcm ni,...hehe...jgn risau ye,...ckgu dh beli 3 btg pen merah,..x guna lg,..
my student: ermmmmmm....(muka dh masam),...baik ckguu....
hahaha....hampehh je,...mls betol,...tp aku dlu lg mls kot,...hahaha,...sokmo je kn denda berdiri sbb x wt note,...aku plg x suka wt note la,...aku mana pernh ada nota ringkas ke,..nota kaki ke,..x dak mknnya....aku bc je dlm buku,...modul,...slaid,..x pun fotostat nota kwn,...tu time kt poli,..haha,....skrg,..ank2 murid aku blambak mls nk wt note,...ambk kauu,...mak aku ckp hukum karma ni,...dpt blsn kt dunia lg,...hahaaha,....padan muka,...x pe2,...kita wt solution lain,...bg handout,...wt minds map,...isi dlm kls,...jgn risau ye,...ckgu ubah skt cara kita bljr,...stdy smart people,....tulis nota pnjg2 korg mls nk bc pun wt apa kan,...kita tukar skt cara nk bg korg smua bc,....dan wat latihan,...so,...lots of work to do,...but is ok,....for my precious student,....lillahitaala,...^_^